through my Canon EOS 1v over my local park and here are the unedited results.
Scanned on my Epson V850 Pro, Silverfast software with no Negafix selected.
The purpose of this was to see exactly what the best 35mm Camera, IMHO, would create on this brand new (beta) colour film from Harman.
Have to say that it is great to see Harman investing heavily in film and a new, fully made by them in house, colour film and not just a mega roll from Kodak and rebranded.
This BETA version is still in early days but for me shows real promise.
Contrasty and a bit grainy for a 200 but some of the shots that follow show these “faults” off as positive in my view.

Remember none of these scan have been edited and with that in mind here are what I feel are my two stand out shots of the day.

For me having a UK made colour film for us over here to use and grow as it will over time is a blessing for film photography and if these initial results are anything to go by then Kodak better pull their socks up as Harman are going to knock this out the park.
Have you use Haman Phoenix 200? What did you think? let me know as I am interested what others have to say about this brand new colour film
Wishing you well
DC x