Free way to achieve a much smoother ride on your Honda NC750X or any motorbike, possibly.
Yes, I can do most minor maintenance tasks on my motorbike but when it starts to get lost in the inner workings then I’m lost.
Lucky for me I have a friend who is a mechanic, bike and car, and helped me make a small adjustment to my NC750x using the tools provided by Honda with my motorcycle, achieving a smoother, more comfortable ride.
Since I go 110kg, I am working on reducing that honestly, the factory setting on my rear shock was too soft.
With my mass added and the kit I carry the shock had little left to absorb bumps in the road making for a rattly riding experience.
Adding 2 clicks of HARDNESS to the suspension, yes HARDER, has made the whole bike a much more comfortable ride.
Adding confidence, a bit too much if I’m honest, and will reign that in, in riding and cornering.
An amazing transformation of the motorcycle with a FREE and simple adjustment that I can now do myself after being educated by my mate Gary. Cheers buddy.
If you are also suffering from a hard ride on your motorcycle, then why not look at adjusting the shocks, making them harder, and see if that helps you too?
Dreading longer journeys for my photography experiences is now a thing of the past and more work will be shot soon
Wishing you well