80% of my output is digital via my Canon R6 and more often my Hasselblad 907x with CFV II 50c.
I admit that the other 20% been a rather scaty affair with chops and changes between 35mm and Medium format, colour and black and white shooting, developing and enlargement prints.
But not any longer.
Looking at all my work, especially film, the output that gives me the most joy is the medium format 6×6 Black and White work.
So today, 07.06.2024, I decided to drop 35mm and colour film from my setup.
I have 3 x 35mm film cameras being 2 x Canon EOS 1v’s and a AE1 Program which will all be sold off along with my supplies of colour films.
Posted the 35mm gear and film on my eBay page if you are interested in a bargain.
Leaving me with 2 x Hasselblad 500 c/m’s to shot Black and white film with.
The 2 stocks of film I enjoy the most are Ilford’s FP4+ and Delta 400 or which I have enough in the fridge to last me sometime.
Now I am focused, pardon the pun, on 6×6 film shooting, I can setup a consistent workflow in the shed for developing and enlargement printing & can already see myself being much more productive.
As we all journey down the path that is photography, all traveling at our own speeds, we each reach moments of reflection on how our skills are developing and which styles and gear best suits the work we want to produce.
This is where I am at now and focusing on medium format film and only b&w film at that, has really freed up my decision making when it came to what camera and film to use.
I only have one, the Hasselblad 500 c/m and a choice of 125 iso or 400, sunny or not so sunny days, with the aim in mind to print and scan the prints for internet use.
Going forward now into the continuing photographic journey that is mine, the Hasselblad 907x and 500 c/m are my go to with the R6 being the “paid” work tool.
Also I have been asked if I sell my images either via prints or downloads for customers to print and to this I have install an application here, launching very soon, that will give customers the chance to download images they like to print or use for their personal use needs.
There will also be a commercial licence for business use.
Exciting times ahead and I for one and eagerly awaiting where photography and my motorbike take me.
I wish you well as always,
DC x