honda cb125f

Failed my MOD 1 test

Categories Motorcycling

time to retreat, gather and move forward but taking a little more time to achieve my goal of a full UK motorbike license.

Unfortunately I failed my MOD 1 for being 5kph to slow on the last exercise. GUTTED!!!!

I rode a Kawasaki 650cc motorbike to the testing station and back, about 40 miles, and my instructor commented a couple of times that I was not acting confident enough in certain circumstances.

Now for me I thought I was being courteous and cautious, it not being my bike, a strange bike to me but apparently I needed to be a bit more forceful in my style on bike riding.

All counter intuitive but reinforced this nagging thought I had after completing my CBT that I should of bought a 125cc bike and rode that for 6 to 12 moths to gain that confidence on two wheels that was remarked as missing.

So that is what I have done.

I cancelled any thoughts of doing my MOD 1 as quickly as possible after the failure and cancelled my MOD 2 training and test to take a step back and gain road skills as a learner.

UPDATE: The guys at WLMT (the training school I am using) have said I can use the MOD 2 fee (2 days) over the next 3 months while I up my confidence and skills on the 125cc and then take my MOD 1 again.

Life can be cruel at times and the bike I ordered had arrived and greeted me as I entered the Honda Dealership to give them the bad news and discuss my options.

They were serving a customer so I waited staring, lovingly, at the ADV 350 that would of had my name on it. Cruel…..

I had 3 choices.

First I could of given up on my quest to gain a full licence. Nope not a giver upper.

Second I could of resit the MOD 1 but here is the rub. As I did not own a 125cc bike, I could not practice the MOD 1 excersies as best I could privately, so would of wasted my time and that of the instructor, not to mention the added cost, possibly repeating the same mistake due to a lack of bike riding confidence.

Third, and the step I have taken, swallow my pride and buy a 125cc bike, ride 6 to 12 months as a Learner gaining riding skills and confidence, practicing the required tasks on private ground, taking as many MOD 1 tests as I need to pass to then tackle MOD 2 afterwards. Without self imposed pressure to pass each stage.

So enter the new to me Honda CB125F a used 2019 model I bought at the Honda dealership.

honda cb125f

I could of bought a shiny new one, but the dealer guided me to used due to my plan of not being on it longer than needed.

Yes it is a step back in my plan but I think a wise one.

I can still achieve my task of getting out and about further into our beloved UK countryside with my cameras and take photos to share, just have to keep off the Motorways until i finally do pass my MOD 1 & 2 tests.

I am already looking forward to sharing the videos of my journeys and the subsequent photography and I hope you will follow me on my YouTube channel and watch my progress over the coming months.

Wishing you well


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